« Why on earth did I take this class since I have zero journalism background ? » This was my thought when I first started the assignments. However, steps by steps, I understood
what we had to do. Just like a toddler learning how to walk, I was learning how to write. The process for writing each piece was really different everytime. with each draft, I discovered more
and more what was right and what was wrong. The readers' comments were usually useful, although
most of the piece of advice were received in class. This class teached me a lot. The first assignment made me aware of the fact that I was really missing
Italian food and Italy in general. I truly think that writing about a childhood memory helped me realized
this. The second assignement was more centered around food since it was a restaurant review. However,
it helped me get beyond my bondaries, both as the culinary and the writing experience.
The third assignement gave me the oppurtunity to appreciate a meal by myself and to write about a
moment that I truly enjoyed. As far as my writing is concerned, I noticed that I became much bolder
with the last assignment. I also discovered that sometimes, the best way to convey your idea is to put
them really simply. Writing is a constant process. Coming to this class with no background in journalim was a challenge in
itself as well as a process for me. I guess the most difficult part was the review. Doing something with the words you already wrote was
much more difficult than I first thought. I'm really glad I got to experience a journalism class, especially since discovering journalism on a food
approach was really something I would not have been able to do back home. I'm really glad I took this
class. I will keep wonderful memories of the whole experience.
" I also discovered that sometimes, the best way to convey your idea is to put them really simply." Do you have any idea how happy this sentence makes me? I'm so glad you took this class, Julie. You were a joy every day!