Monday, February 13, 2012

Expectations about Portillo's

"One of my favorite activities when I travel is eating. [...] Food is[...] a vivid entryway into another culture", wrote Lucy M. Long in Culinary Tourism.
I'm French, and just like Lucy M. Long, "my childhood was filled with contrasting food experiences" (p.2). I tried Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Grec, Tunisian, Maroquian, Turkish, British, German cuisine among others.
When I am in Dallas, I mostly eat Mexican or French cuisine. This fact raised a question : Why don't I eat American food?
In order to answer this question, I need first to define American food. To be honest, I don't think there is on type of American food. To me, American food is rather a melting-pot of many countries. However, after six months in the US, I think that fast-food is the epitome of American food culture.

What is wrong with this? Here is the truth folks: It's not that I don't like fast-foods. I just do not GO to fast-foods. This is beyond my boundaries. I've seen to many documentaries and read too many articles on fast-foods.
It has been at least ten years since I have been to a MacDonald. I am a salmon person, I am salad person. I try to eat as healthy as possible in France. As far as eating healthy in the US is concerned, let's face it : I completely gave up healthy food the day I step a foot in Kalamazoo Cafeteria. You all got it at this point : I am just not a fast-food person.

However, what is a better entryway into the US culture than Fast-food?  None. I therefore have no choice but to try. Here's what I keep thinking: "Julie, this is called integration. Try it."

When my host in Elmhurst - a lovely suburbian town near Chicago - told me " We are going to a real American fast-food restaurant", I must admit, my heart stopped for a moment. I was puzzled by the dichotomy of " fast-food" and "restaurant". Those two terms just do not go together.

"Dear Lord. This is going to be a nightmare" was precisely my exact thought. My host must have seen my worried face ( though I really tried my best poker face)
"Julie, do not worry, were are not going to MacDonald." Mercy. Thank God.

"We are going to Portillo's, in Elmhurst"
"Alright", I thought, "the name doesn't sound too bad, although it doesn't sound truly American either". According to my host, the experience is worth it, and I shall go there.

I did not googled Portillo's, so this would be a truly new experience. I do not really know what I am expecting. Yes, fast-food is low standard, however, this can't be worse than McDonald, right?

French are known to be those snob people. Folks, it is time for me to prove that I'm not this snob person who would look at other people at loose ends ( or disdain, even worse) when they said they ate fast-food. I am going to this Portillo's place. Yes, I am skeptical, even worried.  Admittedly, you don't judge the cover by its book. I'll give Portillo's its chance.I had a late breakfast around 11AM. I am going to skip lunch and go to this place around 6:30PM. I'll have a good appetite by that time.
Sam Sifton, I'm following your advice!  I'll have room for trying different items.

This is going to be an adventure for me! Portillo's, here I come!


  1. I've heard they have some of the most righteous hot dogs, can't wait to hear about it!

  2. Julie you made me laugh with your expectations! Yes, it is your chance to try something new!!! And yes prove us you are not a snob haha!!! I'm sure this is going to be a really good experience. Enjoy your burger and french fries! Bonne Apetite Mademoiselle!
