Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Culinary tourism" quotations

"Culinary tourism" quotations.

-p.1 : "One of my favorite activities when I travel is eating."
    " Food is[...] a vivid entryway into another culture."

-p.2 : " My childhood was filled with contrasting food experiences: Asian version American foods, Korean versus Japanese, mountains versus flatland, wealthy versus poverty level, urban versus rural, "hillbilly" versus mainstream, Northern versus Southern.

    "Food as both a destination and a vehicle for tourism."

-p.5: "Food is a physiological necessity as well as a social and cultural construct and expressive medium"

-p. 15: "Food is more than simply the dishes we consume, tourism is more than traveling to a culture different from one' own."

-p.22: " We have probably all had the experience of unknowingly eating something that we otherwise would have considered inedible or unappealing and would have approached with curiosity, with the sense of trying something different."

-p.45: " I found the motivations for culinary tourism to be complex and to reflect what appears to be a basic and universal impulse."

-p.46: " As destination and vehicle for tourism, food expands our understanding of both food and tourism."

-p. 51 : " By offering Mexican culture as a touristic subject, producers and promoters have had to negotiate the stereotypes held by Anglo-Americans.

-p.53: "Eating and tourism go hand in hand."
    "Culinary tourism [...] provides a framework for interrogating the various intersections between tourism and foodways."

    "culinary tourists can explore the exotic without leaving their own neighborhood."

-p. 56: [ Restaurants] " fail to be truly authentic, because they arranged to fool the tourists into believing they are having an authentic experience. Thai restaurants tends to reflect the American perception of what constitutes an authentic Thai experience, even when this perception veers from the reality of Thai culture."

    "The menu and the decor " appear to be created to engender a sense of authenticity, even when other factors expose the fact that these representations are not necessarily authentic."

-p.58: "Local availability of ingredients can also thwart attempts at authenticity. Even when restaurants claim to use traditional ingredients, they often must substitute ingredients that are more easily available in the US." [... This] conditions undermine the authenticity that the restaurants try to uphold."

    The decor "create a sense of authenticity beyond the food."

-p.61: "Modernization as the loss of authenticity."

-p.62: "Authenticity is created as much through the tourist's own perceptions as it is by the host's performance of otherness."

-p.65: "Food is a means of expressing and reinforcing identity."

    "culinary difference can also express cultural difference".

-p.70:  " The variety of ethnic food may be the way to define the American identity and cuisine at all."

-p.71: " The post-tourist is aware of the social and commercial constraints to authenticity and decides to overlook them".

-p72: " The concept of authenticity can be applied to other locales of culinary tourism, such as cookbooks, food festivals, or cooking classes."

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