Thursday, January 19, 2012

A cook's tour - Anthony Bourdain PART 2

What can I say? I had a really hard time finishing the book. Yes,he is a NY chef. Yes, he is genuine, he is bold, he is transparent. The fact is that the book was too much transparent for me. For instance, I really did not need to know that he is smoking in his kitchen. ( I won't be talking about others things that horrified me!)
Bourdain says whatever he wants, whenever he wants and most of the time it appeared to be too much for me.
 I actually can not decide whether I love the guy or I hate him. He's undoubtedly talented, however he can get out of line. Everytime I was (almost) enjoying my reading, Bourdain ends up swearing, or even worse.

BUT ... ( yes there is a but!)
I really enjoyed the chapter in Napa Valley. The French Laundry appeared as a haven for gourmets. More than 20 plates, around six and a half hour long. Paradise for me. For once in the chapter, I just ignored Bourdain's comments and I focused on the experience.
Food is not about restaurants or plates, nonetheless, I'm still marveling about the French Laundry, where eating is just like in France.
It is a relaxing, enjoyed and sacred experience. One do not rush ( remember, over 6 hours long!), one slowly eat and appreciate the food with friends or family. Just like in France.
People have a hard time believing that on a regular day,  the average French takes between 1 to 2 hours to have lunch. On Sundays, 3 hours is the average time for lunch.
I wish I could to this at the caf', not eat - because let's be honest, there is not a lot of things eatable there -, but just to share a meal with friends without being rushed. I feel like running everyday in the US. People don't take the time here, they are always in a hurry, there have always somewhere to go.
Folks, take the time to truly experience this. Take the time to enjoy time.
So, here is my idea : How about a school trip in the French Laundry in Napa Valley ? :D


  1. Julie- I love this post! I can totally hear your opinions coming out of YOUR mouth meaning I can really sense your voice in this blog post and I love it. I agree with you about the profanity, and harsh swearing and extremity of Bourdain, the whole book was a roller coaster for me too... and I'm not quite sure where I landed because I appreciated a lot of it, but had no tolerance for other parts. Also, on a side note, I really enjoy your perspective on American food in class and love even more to hear your advice of "Take time to enjoy time". I am a total victim of this fast paced American Lifestyle, and I home someday to have a life where I can have 3 hour meals... maybe it will be in France :) THANK YOU for being so bold and honest all of the time!! You are really helping us to learn more about our own culture... stuff I'm really glad I know ;)

  2. I really enjoyed this post a lot. I like the fact that you simultaneously love and hate Bourdain. I think that that is that kind of writer that he is-- he comes off strong in some places, but his softness shines through in others. I feel like it really echoed your voice in the class so far.

  3. I, too, am so happy to see your genuine opinion, Julie. Dining at French Laundry is on my bucket list. Unfortunately, a dinner there costs hundreds of dollars. Who do you think we could hit up to subsidize our class trip? :)
