Sunday, January 15, 2012

Christmas Dinner in Strasbourg, France

Here is what a Christmas Dinner in Strasbourg looks like.
I thank my dear friend Yves for emailing me the pictures :)

The menu is in French!

Apéritif  (with champagne)

- huîtres (as first course)

Foie gras (as second course)

Saumon fumé, truite fumée et rosbif  (with salad) 

Cheese plate 

Bûches de Noël

Bredele (typical cookies from Alsace)

1 comment:

  1. How gorgeous, Julie! Thank you so much for sharing. I spent Christmas in Amiens one year, and these photos bring back such fond memories! We also spent some time in Strasbourg that Christmas and enjoyed the Christmas Bazaar very much!
